July 17, 2024 / Tim Andro

UCI Class Finds Human Remains

June 10th, 2024 was the day we took our slogan ” Turning Training Into Responding ” to another level when our UCI students spent their last day of class recovering human remains along with multiple guns. The day started with the first team of divers setting a jackstay flawlessly and descended on the pattern. Within 3 min of the two divers starting the search they located and recovered a human bone.

It was confirmed by an Anthropologist to be from a human, so our day took a dramatic turn. In true UCI fashion this team of divers from multiple teams who only met 3-days prior stepped up and continued the investigation. The divers got taught the UCI detailed gride search and started pulling bucket after bucket of bottom debris to be sifted for evidence. The case is still very active, and this is all we are allowed to currently discuss at this time.

Stay tuned for updates, as we are cleared to discuss more details we will post updates. This will be a class we remember for a lifetime and very proud of all the divers that were involved in this operation. True UCI divers!!

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Northeast Public Safety Divers is one of the best public safety dive training companies that offers a variety of SDI and ERDI certification courses to recreational and public safety divers, from basic all the way through Supervisor, with a large catalog of specialties. Our operation is mobile and we will bring an entire certification course to your department or area.

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